Jesus welcomes children and so do we!Children and youth ask great questions and remind us to act when we’re all talk, so at Oak Grove United Methodist Church we strive to respect every child and youth as young disciples of Jesus.
Every disciple should be safe, welcomed and questioning. Safe. We background check all volunteers and staff who work with children and work to provide age appropriate spaces, toys and activities in compliance with our Safe Sanctuaries Policy. Welcomed. God loves and welcomes people of all abilities, identities and family structures, and so do we. Our goal is for every child, youth and family to feel accepted, included and have fun at church. Questioning. Church is all about the Big Questions about God and Life. We seek to support your child’s faith journey by encouraging them to ask great questions and learn to use the Wesleyan Quadrilateral -- Scripture, Tradition, Reason and Experience to guide their journey. |
Camping & Retreat Ministries Oregon-Idaho Conference of the United Methodist Church, offers many great summer camps and retreat options for people of all ages. To learn more or register for camp visit: